Monday, December 7, 2009

Debate Week: Paktology

Should we or should we not? Here are the photos:

Opposition taking the stand. He's apparently not 'fishing' this time around.

And the other side is apparently... very.... shy.

Edmund. My goodness he's blur.

Team A

Team B

Our dearest Uncle Chie watching proceedings... Obviously with a (=.=") remark.

Then he started explaining his point of view.

That was fun. We should have more debates like this.

In the meantime:
MYF is taking a break for... YLDP!!!!!!!!! See you there, guys. Those not going, so sad... :-p
I'm excited.Are you?

Missions, Evangelism, and blur. haha.


andrew wong said...

y focus on my big pimple scar?!

pakto-king really bad meh? perhaps this is timely. im about to start straight after my last paper.

Sentul MYF said...


your pimple scar... oh... hehehe.... i was lookin at something else... oops.
