Thursday, November 26, 2009


A forwarded mail resides below.

BTW, this sunday - Sunday special - A Christmas dessert.


Dear Friends,

We need your HELP!

To date (16.11.09) we have 17 registrants for Camp 18-Up, and the closing date for registration was 7.11.09! We realize that many of you can't come because you are still having classes or exams. Sorry about that, but finding a date suitable for everyone was really difficult.

But many of you and your friends too CAN come, but have NOT YET signed up. Will you seriously and prayerfully consider coming and sign up asap? If finance is a problem, let us know and we can help.

Much work has been done in planning and preparing this Camp specially for college and university students and those just our of collge/uni. Your speakers and facilitators are ready for Camp. But if we do not have 30-35 students by 1st December, unfortunately the Camp will be canceled. Our original target was 50-60 participants.

CAMP 18-UP - 'W.W.F (Wrestling with Faith)'
Learning to wrestle with God, with your faith and to resolve issues in your life.

Date: 8 to 12 Dec 2009

Place: Highlands Lakeview, Cameron Highlands

Closing Date for Registration (Revised): 1st December 2009

The speakers for 2009 are : Rev. David Loo, Dr. Samuel Ong (EMC/Whispering Hope) and Miss Annette Arulrajah (FES/Wesley Seremban).

The other facilitators are: Rev. Yong Wai Yin, Mrs Viji Lee, Ms. Liew Cow Yuan, Danny Chiew, Poo Kok Chong, Kelvin Wee, Sharon Yip.

For further details (program, activities) and for registration, go to:

Pass the word around, encourage people to come, pray with us and for us.

Thank you.


Uncle Sam.



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