Sunday, August 26, 2012

Awesome year!

This has been deserted for awhile, I'm so sorry! But after all the crazy and wonderful events the gmyfers had, we're finally back! After our MYF Sunday on the June 24th , and the Juwita Suwito concert on the 21st of July, we're sure we're having a really awesome year! However, we have stopped having fellowship since we're attending the alpha course in church, but we'll start again right after it all ends on the 16th of September. Which will lead us to start on the 23rd of September.Well, back again with mangkuking around, heheee. Take note, we'll not hav MYF til 16th of September, although, join us for MYF after that at 11.30am sharp! You won't regret. This blog will fire up again! I promise. God Bless You All! 

Oh! For those of you who hasn't watch our MYF's presentation last year, there's a link below this post, sorry for the lack of updates, but it's all about our MYF, do check it out! 

I'm going to give credits to Edmund for being the worship leader on MYF Sunday, because for those who weren't there, he did a great a job! :) 

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