Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This training seminar is in appreciation of all SPM BK teachers -past, current and future! We are not charging a registration fee but a freewill offering will be taken to cover expenses incurred for tea, lunch, notes and certificates. To facilitate catering and printing of handouts and certificates, please register by 8 March 2010 via e- mail, phone or sms.

Tel/ fax : 03- 56375623 (TCF Office)
Mobile : 012- 2877566 (Hai Fong)
E- mail : tcfmy@ pd. jaring. my

When you register, kindly give your full name as in IC and contact number. Please bring along the Luke and Acts guide books and a red ball point pen for marking exercise to the seminar.

Date : 13 March 2010 (Sat)
Venue : Dream Centre (Hall 3)
2 Jalan 13/ 1 Seksyen 13
46200 Petaling Jaya
Time : 8. 30 am - 2. 45 pm

Who should come?
-Church and school personnel
-Pastors/ elders who want to assess the scope and significance of this SPM
-Parents who want to see ahead the choices for their children
-Form 3- 5 students who want to see personally the demands of this unique
-Practising teachers who have new opportunities to teach their own Christian
-Practising BK teachers who can contribute to Session III
-The key man/ woman who sees the need to start a small BK centre

Anyone interested? Matthew Yong from FMC and your beloved prez are going. It's free of charge but you may give some offering. Any enquiries? Ask me. Hope some of you might consider taking BK in SPM.

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